I have recently volunteered to become the footpath officer (P3) for Ramsey and Parkeston inspired by my own mum who took up her voluntary post for her village of Fordham near Colchester. The position entails keeping an eye on the twenty four miles of public footpaths we are lucky to have within our boundary and hopefully encouraging the use of the footpaths as well as recruiting any other volunteers that may be willing to help myself and others in maintaining as best we can the way-markers,footpaths,gates and foot bridges as well as vegetation growth and other obstructions that may prevent us all using the pathways.
All P3's (Parish Paths Partnership) are recruited,encouraged and assisted by their local Public Rights Of Way (PROW) Officer working on behalf of the Colchester and Tendring Council. I'm new in the post and a volunteer offering to help as much as i can, I currently walk regular footpaths every day with dog-walking friends. I would gladly welcome any help, and assist in any issues you may come up against that I have'nt covered.
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